Paris Kosher Restaurants in August

The following is a disclaimer:  For all restaurant advice that I have given to readers during the month of August, please be aware that businesses throughout Paris partly shut down for a few weeks in August.  Business owners close up shop for their annual vacations.  Please call any restaurants that I have recommended to check that they are open beforehand.  I myself have been disappointed to discover a great deal of restaurants closed during August that I wanted to introduce to my visiting family.  Good luck and there’s always Paris Palate in the winter, spring, and fall months!!!

About parispalate

Experiencing Paris through food
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2 Responses to Paris Kosher Restaurants in August

  1. Barb Lindman says:

    Where could one find a good knish in Paris?

    Thank you very much for any information as my internet search has not been fruitful.


    • parispalate says:

      To be honest, I don’t recall ever seeing a knish in Paris- They don’t do a ton of typical Jewish E. European foods. Like on Chanukah, they don’t have latkes. Your best bet of finding something similar would be a takeaway place called Charles Traiteur, but I’m not sure that they would have them. Thanks and enjoy!

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